25 January, 2011

Public Restrooms

I just so happen to work in a store with a public restroom. And sadly there are times when it is a horrifying place to enter. It is unbelievable the things people will do/leave behind in a public restroom. Apparently they have it in their heads that someone else will clean up after them, so why should they bother. They can't possibly leave their own bathrooms in such condition. Of course I don't want to go into detail about the things I've seen, but I'm sure your imagination can fill in the blanks (and it will likely be a scenario that has at some point been my reality).

Many people working in a retail setting don't have to worry about public restrooms, but all of us have at one point be inside one and have seen something they wished they hadn't. Therefore I am urging all of you unsanitary, inconsiderate people to think twice before leaving your stalls to CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES! Really, it's not that hard.

03 December, 2010

Show some appreciation!

Holiday shopping is in full effect. And with the holidays come rude, stressed out consumers. This is probably my 6th year of working retail at this time of year; and it always seems that no matter how many extra employees are brought on for the season there are never enough of us. This is frustrating for us and for the customers; frustration which gets passed back and forth in a vicious circle. Customers seem to think that we are purposely not helping them, taking our time, ignoring them, etc., but really WE ARE DOING THE BEST WE CAN! If I climb up a ladder to fetch a 60lb thing-a-majig, hoist it over my shoulder, and practically break a limb to put it in your cart, the least you can do is say "thank you". When every register is armed with a cashier being asked for gift receipts, rebate forms, coupon adjustments, and lord knows what else, don't freak out that you must wait on line for several minutes. I repeat: WE ARE DOING THE BEST WE CAN! I'm not trying to do you an injustice. Chances are I'm twice as annoyed with the ratio of employees to customers as you. If I had my way there would be an employee for every inch of retail space. Calm down, try to be patient and understanding, and remember it's Christmas.

22 November, 2010

Closing Time

Please don't walk into a store 15 minutes before closing if you are only there to browse. I understand if you know what you want and will grab it and go; but if you are just killing time, you are wasting mine. And please don't unfold items and leave them in a pile (more to come on this in future posts). Now I have to re-do work that was already completed.