25 January, 2011

Public Restrooms

I just so happen to work in a store with a public restroom. And sadly there are times when it is a horrifying place to enter. It is unbelievable the things people will do/leave behind in a public restroom. Apparently they have it in their heads that someone else will clean up after them, so why should they bother. They can't possibly leave their own bathrooms in such condition. Of course I don't want to go into detail about the things I've seen, but I'm sure your imagination can fill in the blanks (and it will likely be a scenario that has at some point been my reality).

Many people working in a retail setting don't have to worry about public restrooms, but all of us have at one point be inside one and have seen something they wished they hadn't. Therefore I am urging all of you unsanitary, inconsiderate people to think twice before leaving your stalls to CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES! Really, it's not that hard.

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